A panel of international experts, business leaders, and start ups innovators 

High-level speakers will participate in the Decarbonization Summit. International experts, renowned business leaders and start-up innovators will be present to share their knowledge and experiences during every keynote and masterclass. Moroccan business and political senior leaders will attend networking sessions. 

International experts

Our speakers are internationally renowned experts in the field of decarbonization. Their experience and in-depth knowledge will bring unique perspectives to better understand the challenges associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Business leaders

Leaders from energy, industrial and technology companies will share their visions, strategies and experience for reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability within their organizations.


Start ups innovators

Founders of established start-ups in  energy transition will present their innovative and disruptive solutions to accelerate the transition to a decarbonized society. Their bold ideas and entrepreneurial spirit will bring a breath of fresh air to the discussion. 

Moroccan senior leaders

The Kingdom of Morocco is becoming a central hub in green hydrogen production, through its access to the Atlantic sea on the west and to the Sahara on the east. Moroccan Senior business and political leaders will share their vision and strategy around decarbonization and discuss business opportunities with investors or entrepreneurs.