Four major topics will be covered, through conferences and interactive workshops

Decarbonization in mobility

Transport accounts for 15% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Road transport accounted for 72% of transport-related GHG emissions in 2020.

The share of electric vehicles (EVs) in passenger car sales has begun to take off, reaching 10% in 2022 — a 63% increase from its share the year before. 

Electrification of transport and decarbonization of the automotive industry, powered by renewable electricity, is at the center of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction efforts.

Decarbonisation in the industry

The manufacturing and production sector accounts for one-fifth of global carbon emissions and 54% of the world’s energy usage. All industries contribute to CO2 emissions, and it’s old news that this isn’t great for the environment.  Reducing carbon emissions from the manufacturing sector is critical to meeting global climate targets; however, the benefits of carbon management go beyond sustainability for manufacturers. Manufacturers who control their carbon emissions will comply with current and future legislation, reduce waste, and boost efficiency. Moreover, various air quality monitoring techniques are available for monitoring CO2 emissions. 

Decarbonization in the city

Cities account for over 70% of global CO2 emissions, most of which come from industrial and motorized transport systems that use huge quantities of fossil fuels and rely on far-flung infrastructure constructed with carbon-intensive materials. Clearly, staying below the 1.5° C threshold means massive decarbonization of cities, which will require investments in low-carbon energy and transport systems, programs to reduce urban sprawl, and nature-based solutions for urban cooling and disaster risk management

How AI can support decarbonization 

Lowering carbon emissions is a big challenge for the world, and AI and ML may be useful instruments in this endeavor. A more sustainable and effective energy system may be achieved by optimizing energy use, transportation, renewable energy, and carbon capture technology.

AI will play a big role in monitoring, predicting, and reducing emissions of businesses across different industries.

For instance, Google just published research on their weather AI beating supercomputers in weather forecasting.